6 Big Tips For Easier Diaper Changes By Snuggwugg - Snuggwugg
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6 Big Tips For Easier Diaper Changes By Snuggwugg

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Is diaper change getting you down? We all would love easier diaper changes so these six tips will make diaper changing go faster — and more efficiently. Hurray!

Today's early childhood development question deals with one of our less favorite parenting tasks, the diaper change.

(Is anybody else tortured daily by this?) Just because changing diapers is a chore it doesn’t mean that it can’t be easy. Whether you’re changing a newborn’s diaper every ten minutes or wrestling your two-year-old and praying potty training comes sooner than later here are six sure fire ways to make your toddler or baby diapering a change for the better.

Snuggwugg Diaper Changing Tips

Pick Great Diaper Changing Stations

Set up stations for diaper changes accessible in convenient locations around the house so you’re not running up and down stairs to your child’s room because you forgot that diaper ( yes it happens) or to locate the diaper-rash cream when it’s time for a change. Think like a well oiled machine. Diapers? Check. Wipes, check and cream within arm’s reach for easy diaper changing? Absolutely! 

Distraction Jackson Is Your Name

No one needs to tell you that babies and toddlers are the fastest movers on the planet. One minute you're good to know next minute it seems like your baby is part reptile part kangaroo — especially when it’s time for them to lie still for diaper changes. To have an easy diaper changing experience, don't try to stop their desire to explore just provide them with something cooler than the squirm like Snuggwugg which will keep your baby occupied while you’re doing your business. 

Diaper changing is often easier when children are distracted by something positive such as a funny made-up diaper changing song, play peekaboo, a countdown so they know when it will be over, or a special toy and plush experience like Snuggwugg baby gear . Which is very cool because they can play with their Snuggwugg and you can change that diaper

Snuggwugg has a flex pocket filled with fun-to-feel crinkly material into which parents can insert educational flashcards, toys, apps or smartphones to help keep baby's entertained on diaper change and it has multiple loops for attaching a little one's favorite toys, teethers or pacifier. All these distractions are sure to make for easy diaper changing and will keep her or him from wiggling  away from you mid-change.

Buckle Up For Safety- Your Baby That Is

If diaper changes are happening on a changing table, use the safety strap and don't leave your baby unattended even newborns who can’t roll over can stretch and fall off the table’s surface. 

Diaper Changing Is Dirty Duty

First, wash your hands well with soap and water. Why? Because you don't want your perfume or hand cream on your newborns sensitive skin. Don't forget to use the diaper when you are changing to help you wipe off as much poop as possible before turning to the wipes. This saves on a lot of extra wipes. (first time mom tip right there)

If you’re changing a newborn, you can use cotton balls or a washcloth dipped in lukewarm water instead (it’ll be gentler on your infant’s sensitive skin). When cleaning your baby’s bottom (especially a girl’s), be sure to wipe from front to back to avoid spreading germs. 

Clean the creases between your child’s legs and buttocks to remove all traces of poop and pee. Pat your baby’s bottom with a soft cloth or towel until it’s completely dry (before you slather on cream or ointment to help prevent diaper rash). And because it’s a dirty job (and you’re the one doing it), don’t forget to wash your hands.

Snuggwugg toys for toddlers

Change Locations

If your older baby’s pitching a fit at every one of her diaper changes, ditch the table and try a new location — the bed, the bathroom, even the floor. Put a pad or thick towel down to protect the surface (just be careful — a towel isn’t waterproof).

Be Prepared For Anything

When you’re changing a boy’s diaper, always place a cloth over his penis to prevent an unintentional spray (hitting you or the wall!). Another word to the wise: Be sure your baby has finished pooping before you replace a dirty diaper (and waste a clean one).

Hope this helps!

- Snuggwugg

See all our adorable customers and visit Snuggwugg.com to get your very own. And check out this fun video when we showed Steve Harvey how easy diaper changing could be with Snuggwugg~

diaper changing pillow

diaper changing pillow

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